Mittagong Maltings was originally constructed between 1898 and 1916. It consisted of three malthouses.
Several fires broke out in malthouses 1 & 2 over the years which were either repaired or rebuilt afterwards. But a fire in 1969 reduced the Mittagong Maltings production to a point where the maltings were unable to recover, combined with the business unable to compete with the increased availability brought about by subcontracting malters, the doors were permanently closed in 1980.
The buildings of Mittagong Maltings have since been decomposing in the elements for the last 35 years. Two are extensively damaged by fire and the third Malthouse in a state of complete disrepair after three decades of neglect.
Parts of the roof are missing as are most of the floors. The stairs are decaying and rubbish is dumped all around the site.
It’s an imposing but beautiful building. I think it’s very easy to see what could become of this if someone had the vision and the funds to give this building a new lease of life.
There was once a plan to redevelop the building and turn it into a hotel and a museum/art space, but it would seem that those plans have long since been abandoned.